Hybrid x Population x Management Response Trial

Grain Corn

Corn yield is effected at different stages throughout the growing season. Plant population is determined at planting, then ears per plant, kernels per row per ear, kernel length and kernel weight are determined throughout the growing season based on growing conditions and management.

The purpose of this trial was 3-fold: 

  1. To determine whether intensive management can influence yield at high and low populations
  2. To determine if intensive management can further express the genetic potential of a hybrid in a low or high stress environment
  3. To determine if intensive management can compensate for a thin stand.

Plot Design & Soil Background – 3 hybrids tested at 2 planting populations with 2 treatments per population


Yield potential was estimated twice prior to harvest. On July 27, 2020, ears from each hybrid/treatment were examined to estimate the potential kernels per ear pre pollination. The average ovules per ear were used to estimate potential yield of each hybrid/treatment. On October 6, 2020, yield was estimated by counting the number of grains per ear. 

Harvest Results

A5915G2 RIB

  • Saw no advantage to increased management (IM) at high population
  • Saw 8.8 bu/ac yield increase to IM at low population
  • 20 – 30+ bu/ac spread between high and low populations
  • Typically classify this hybrid as a racehorse and the data verifies pushing the population

A6018G2 RIB

  • Saw minor response to IM at both low and high populations
  • Minimizing stress from V8 to R3 directly correlates to ear length which matches A6018G2’s ability
  • A6018G2 showed the smallest spread (15-18 bu/ac) between high and low populations making it very capable of handling thin stands

A6572G2 RIB

  • Showed very minimal response to IM at both high and low populations

Showed marginal differences in ear size between populations allowing A6572G2 to capture its highest yield potential at high populations.


With the exception of A6572G2, IM had a greater influence on yield in the lower population than the high population. I expected to see more impact from IM on the high populations. Hybrid and population definitely have an impact on kernels/bu. Final yields definitely showed variation from the standard 90,000 kernels/bu used to predict yield. Room to expand and improve this trial.

Future trial plans could be to include a separate side-dress nitrogen and fungicide treatment to see which of the two has more influence on yield. Also including a middle population check (30-32,000) to verify if a plateau is existing. 

Click here for the PDF of this project and the rest of the PRIDE Seeds 2020 Agronomy Projects HERE