Corn Seed Sizing
Corn seed sizing has always been an important part of the seed ordering process. For generations we have felt that a medium flat would be the right choice for finger pickup planters, or possibly a round size would be better to meter on a vacuum unit.Read More -
Tips for Winter Grazing
Discover some agronomic advice and top tips for managing winter grazing.Read More -
Overcoming Late Corn Planting
Bad weather for an extended period can drastically delay planting. So, what’s a farmer to do once the optimal date for planting corn has passed? And just what does ‘optimal’ mean anyway?Read More -
Cover Crops – Why Plant Them?
While it might be tempting to skip the process of planting a cover crop, there are some very compelling reasons not to. Cover crops can reduce the soil erosion caused by wind and rain, as well as alleviate soil compaction. As well, cover crops aid in weed suppression, pest reduction and also help sequester carbon, which improves soil health.Read More -
Macronutrients – Feeding Today’s High Yielding Hybrids
Today’s high yielding hybrids and increasing population densities have researchers once again looking at the quantity and timing of nutrient uptake throughout the growing season. Each macro and micronutrient has a unique role and individual characteristics within the growing plant.Read More -
Fortenza/Stamina – Why?
PRIDE Seeds is now using the Fortenza® Maxim®Quattro with Stamina® (FMQ/S) package of insecticide and fungicides as its primary seed treatment on corn products, and for good reason.Read More -
Silage Matters
You have a lot to think about when you’re deciding which silage hybrid(s) to invest in. You can do a number of things to safeguard their seed investment and ensure maximized performance.Read More -
Corn Grain Fill, Maturity and Drydown
This article provides important agronomic information and terminology related to kernel development, maturity, and drydown. When you are scouting your fields, this will help you to know what stage your corn crop is at. The indications discussed help you determine harvest timing to maximize yield, test weight, and quality.Read More -
Silage – Preserving Silage Quality
Researchers have broken the ensiling process into four phases. This article looks the importance of each phase and how to prevent substantial losses while maximizing gains.Read More