Rootless Corn Syndrome
This syndrome occurs in young corn plants and is attributed to limited or simply absent development of the nodal roots.Read More -
Staging Corn Plants
Staging corn plants correctly is essential for understanding and assessing crop development. Your staging method will also affect when you make herbicide, fungicide, and fertility applications and recommendations.Read More -
Corn Growth Stages - Reproductive Stages / Grain Fill
Corn growth stages are divided into two – vegetative growth and reproductive growth. Vegetative growth begins with emergence and ends with tassel emergence.Read More -
Soybean Population x Fungicide
The purpose of this project was to demonstrate varietal response to population and genetic response to fungicide application and to determine if ROI increases when populations are increased and a fungicide is applied.Read More -
Corn Rootworm Monitoring
Bt resistant CRW has resulted in measurable yield loss and has triggered an urgent call for farmers to implement management strategies regarding the utilization of Bt proteins.Read More -
Hybrid x Population x Management Response Trial
Corn yield is effected at different stages throughout the growing season. Plant population is determined at planting, then ears per plant, kernels per row per ear, kernel length and kernel weight are determined throughout the growing season based on growing conditions and management.Read More -
Hybrid Performance by Plant Population by Soil Type
The objective was to compare the performance of five hybrids related to population, soil type and yield zones. The hybrids were planted in strips using a VR prescription to vary populations.Read More -
Flex Potential of PRIDE Corn Hybrids Using "GAPS Method"
Understanding the ability of a corn hybrid to flex can result in a better understanding of a hybrids yield potential in different soil types and environments, optimize variable rate seeding (VRS) recommendations and optimize ROI.Read More