  • How to determine when to harvest your grain corn

    Dave DenBoer, Product Development Manager for PRIDE Seeds discusses the various tests he does as he scouts grain corn fields. It is important to make sure you have good intactness in your stocks. These test help to determine when to harvest your field.
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  • How to decide when to harvest your corn with anthrocnose

    Dave DenBoer, Product Development Manager talks about anthracnose and how to identify and when to consider harvesting your corn crop.
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  • When to harvest corn with Tar Spot

    Dave DenBoer, Product Development Manager talks about the importance of scouting your field for tar spot and when to harvest.
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  • The Six Stages of Grain Fill

    This article discusses the six stages of grain fill.
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  • PRIDE Seeds G-Series

    The PRIDE Seeds product line is derived for a global breeding and testing program designed to develop and select best-in-class corn hybrids. Matching best-in-class genetics with farm-best trait and treatment technologies optimizes and mitigates many of the risks associated with crop production.
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  • Glyphosate & Ammonium Sulphate

    It is sometimes difficult to control certain weeds, even with glyphosate. What can explain the low effectiveness of glyphosate?
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  • Corn Water Use - Western Canada

    During the mid to late vegetative stages of crop development, that nearly all water uptake is done by the nodal root system. The initial root system the corn developed as a seedling, is no longer providing the plant with substantial water or nutrients and from approximately V3 and onward the nodal root system is doing the majority of nutrient and water uptake.
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  • Evaluating Plant Emergence at Harvest

    “Even emergence is key.” This 4-word phase is critical for maximizing yield potential and it’s probably one the top five most common phases I use as a MDA. This season, I wanted to take a closer look at the value of even emergence and how yield is influence.
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  • New Corn Hybrid Highlights for 2022

    Here at PRIDE Seeds we are always excited to showcase the newest in corn genetics in an effort to keep our producers on the cutting edge. Yield performance, stability, and strong agronomics all rank at the top of our list when evaluating a potential commercial addition.
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